Yoga with Karen Reeves
Most of the stretching and strengthening poses are done while seated in a chair. Even when a movement is done standing or lying on a mat, students are encouraged to stick with whatever their bodies tell them to do, or not to do. The practice of focused breathing can help relax students in areas of both body and mind.
Classes are held for those just diagnosed with cancer, those who are in the midst of fighting the disease, as well as for cancer survivors and caregivers. The Monday class, 10:00 am - 11:00 am is free of charge thanks to Our Promise Cancer Resources. A second chair yoga session takes place at the same time on Wednesdays with a suggested $5 donation. Both classes meet at The Yoga Place, 301 Whittington, and are instructed by Karen Watson Reeves, a certified yoga instructor with a specialization in yoga for cancer from Duke University.
“Besides the pain (both physical and emotional) of the disease, cancer patients are also dealing with the fatigue that often occurs following treatments, as well as stress. I offer students a very gentle class, leading them through poses that can help them feel stronger, more flexible and balanced as well as giving ways to help de-stress. After attending her first class a student said, “I didn’t know I wasn’t breathing. I think I breathed more during this hour than I have all week!”